Wednesday, January 12, 2005

teaching is such a thank-less job!

Should the events be as detailed as possible? Should they really-really know all the names and the dates and the occurences? How do I extract the essentials without oversimplifiying things and allow them to assimilate, appreciate and remember what is important?

When I was a student, I listened, I took notes, I read a little for class but when I got out of the room, I forgot about everything I was told, everything I wrote, except those which really struck me.

How do I strike them the way I was struck? The things that I hate about teaching are:

1) You have to be a walking encyclopedia primarily and juggle your act with entertainment, participation, satisfaction and relevance.
2) You must not be oversimplifying because you will not be taken seriously!
3) You'll never know when they're taking you seriously.
4) When you're too kind, they abuse you and think that they never need to mind you.
5) When you're too strict, they curse and back-stab you, complain about you then you become an urban legend. Either they mock your entire being or act as if you're invisible.
6)There are just two things you feel right after class...(1) tired but happy; (2) relieved but happy that it's over because you know its another day the kids just passed by.

Monday, January 10, 2005

one of those realize...thank God!

Woke up in denial. Wondered why it took so much effort to convince myself that the lights are on and breakfast is ready when I took my vitamins the night before. This usually makes the mornings easier and the day less hard. Finally got up, knew at once i'll be wearing something warm for school when i tried reaching out for the nearest clothing to comfort my freezing shoulders. Eating went well, opted for hot lemonade rather than the usual cold drink, coffee was much too strong, just wanted hot water. The drink worked well for my dry throat, i think the drop in temperature froze my throat, now it feels like I have a furball stuck in my throat that scratches itself everytime I cough it out.

Thanks to the lemonade the icy water from the shower didn't make me jump up and down to invest on energy to produce heat. Used the sunsilk shampoo I bought last weekend, my hair wasn't perfect yesterday but it might work today. Darn! Just remembered what the fab five guy said, you didn't have to shampoo everyday, should remember this tomorrow I guess.

Got out of the shower, as usual, its when I look my best, if only i could look this way the whole day! Did the usual routine, moisturizer, concealer, transluscent powder, deodorant to let the make-up settle down, eye make-up then.......FIVE MORE MINUTES! Just got Nico's text, he's leaving to fetch me.

He'll be with his usual entourage, the mom next to him and his sister who only rides until the shuttle service station. Got to do everything I need, dress up, got the purple turtle neck shirt I wanted, the pants weren't bad, found the purple bracelet at once, had no trouble wearing it, ring, earrings...what shoes? Boots...wasted five seconds looking for my socks, papa changed the arrangement again, they were at the next shelf...managed to put on foot powder, drank my medicine, got to do everything, didn't forget anything...perfect!

Then i heard Nico's white pick-up truck.

Bid goodmoring to his mom, to his sister then calmed myself, i looked fine, could last the day. All's good...track 11 simple things by usher in the cd we bought from those tiangge stalls in ortigas played on the radio the moment Nico turned it on. Love it, love it, love it..."its the simple things in life we forget, you hear her talking but don't hear what she says, why do you make something so easy so complicated, searching for what's right in front of your face"...haven't seen the mtv but i'm sure i'd love it. Don't need to know nor listen to the rest of the lyrics, the chorus says it all...tried dozing off to dreamland when BOOM!!!!! Something despicable, totally unexpected and gruesomely annoying happened!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The brakes were forced to the ground, we almost hit a trike, it got in the road that was supposed to be one way, our way. Nico blew his top off, the driver answered back like a bird about to be slung shot. It got him more furious, Nico answered back. Then my day was ruined!!!!!

Tears welled in my eyes, maybe now I know why I haven't finally and outrightly decided that we must get married within several months of preparation...i'm not ready for this one yet. I'm not ready yet to have a husband and to live with a father who might be the reason for my death or my children's injuries because of road rage! It's too much for me to bare. I honestly think I could take infidelity once, learned from, suffered from, fought from then vowed never to be repeated again than this!!!!!!!! I think I could take couch potatoes or basketball addicts more, I think I can easily bare him spending late nights with friends more often than with me MORE THAN THIS!!!!! Should it really be this hard? Is this the best that I can do? Is this what I should take for all his honesty, sincerity, loyalty and love? This isn't domestic violence, nor is this martyrdom, I don't know why when this happens the only think that I feel for him is hate! I have his being for its potential to be so hateful and obnoxious! Its disgusting! If I were some uneducated, uncultured whore, I should take it, but I'm not and I can't, I won't!!! These things are uncompromisable, just non-negotiatable!

The mom got off, i transferred to the shotgun side. Had nothing more to say...darn that red light for showing up when I just wanted to get off at once! Said bye, didn't look him in the eye, tried dozing off in school to make up for not getting much and the stress I got from this morning's inferno!

This is one of those days where I am once again made aware of why I am in that stage in my life yet and haven't moved on, still need to accept this...still need to convince myself of the many things i'll be checking in when I decide to finally move to another part of this world's life-stage.

Thursday, January 06, 2005

attempt to keep track of my life

Today, I got my period, just when I was rushing for my China class preps, late due to traffic! Should have rode with Nico, too early, but at least less stress.

I was ready to go to class inequipped, good thing vicky had some, there is a God!

Work to do:
1) Finish evaluation for permanency
2) Submit evaluation on Wayang
3) Submit evaluation on Japan ML
4) Schedule interviews for the revisions in my thesis
5) Revise and finalize my thesis
6) Memorize lines for Second Act of Clytemnestra
7) Submit proposal for the Australian Study Trip
8) Submit proposal for Vietnam-Cambodia Trip
9) Submit list of speakers to Mancom
10) Check papers
11) Work on papers for Philo Anthro, Exams for Ethics and Paper for Ethics

Damnit! Is it really this many?????!!!!!

If I were...


if I were a month I would be:
- january...starting with a blast!

If I were a day of the week I would be:
- a long, lazy sunday

If I were a time of day I would be:
- a cool 9:00 morning

If I were a planet I would be:
- Venus...the goddess of beauty, bwahahahah!!!!!

If I were a sea animal I would be:
- a sea turtle who's lived 100 years

If I were a direction I would be:
- East...sunsets are always best

If I were a piece of furniture/thing I would be:
- a comfy, bulky and warm sofa

If I were a sin I would be:
- a white lie

If I were a historical figure I would be:
- Sukhum Nahunte (the Indian guy I think who Kevin Kline was talking about in the Emperor's Club)

If I were a liquid I would be:
- water...always finds its own level

If I were a tree I would be:
- a rubber tree, useless, but outlives the rest

If I were a bird I would be:
- any kind as long as i'm not held in captive

If I were a tool I would be:
- a lever...wala lang ako maisip!

If I were a plant I would be:
- a cactus in the desert

If I were a season I would be:
- fall, not too cold, not to warm

If I were a mythical creature, I would be:
- si Maganda (partner ni Malakas)

If I were a musical instrument, I would be:
- an accordion in France

If I were an animal, I would be:
- a panda bear in China

If I were a color, I would be:
- white, because it contains all the colors

If I were an emotion, I would be:
- super happy

If I were a vegetable, I would be:
- a can of spinach for popeye!

If I were a sound, I would be:
- boisterous laughter...

If I were an element, I would be:
- Tungsten - W (my favorite symbol)

If I were a song, I would be:
- one that causes LSS and with hard to understand words

If I were a movie, I would be:
- the Sound of Music

If I were a book, I would be:
- The Little Prince, short and sweet.

If I were a place, I would be:
- a virgin beach, bwahahahah!!!!!

If I were a material, I would be:
- made of Tungsten

If I were a taste, I would be:
- those green sour tape candies they sell in Candy Corner

If I were a scent, I would be:
- Halloween...super bango!

If I were a word, I would be:
- superkalifragelisticexpialidocious

If I were a body part I would be:
- a face

If I were a facial expression I would be:
- that which one cannot understand

If I were a subject in school I would be:
- any asia-pacific studies course

If I were a cartoon character I would be:
- Liza in Simpsons

If I were a shape I would be:
- a triangle

If I were a number I would be:
- Wan! :D