Tuesday, April 05, 2005

In Making Papers

I just finished checking one of the many more batches of papers which need to be done and over with for the semester. I am compelled to make a list of things which I MUST remember when I get back to "student life" and start making papers of my own. Here goes:

1) Think of a theme, topic and thesis statement which should be original and not MEDIOCRE!!! If one has a different "slant" or angle to one's argument even if its about the same topic, it will guarantee wonders in the attention and eventually, the final grade.

2) A good introduction is like giving a first good impression, since first impressions lasts, consistency is the key.

3) The introduction can be about something totally different, it can be reflection, it can be theoretical in other words, it can be as different as can be, but once it is perfectly woven to the point of the paper, it does a lot of magic!

4) Good format always helps. Times new roman, I've discovered is eye-friendly. The tahoma ones, the ones with no tails...seem too rugged, informal and too casual.

5) No need to satisfy the maximum page requirements but to meet the most minimum is not good either.

6) It helps a lot when one stresses one's point in the beginning, middle and end. It is never enough to emphasize one's point, especially if it's a bit profound...

7) Correct citation format means less trouble for the checker so keep that in mind...

8) Editing is the key...wrong spellings, missing words, missing punctuation equate to disaster!

9) Pray over it

10) Read and re-read before passing...if it sounds fine then it's good to go. Minimum number of times its should be read : three!!!


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